Thursday, October 20, 2011

Innovation Week

So, I had to share... even though I know we were told not to blog until Saturday-ish... but I've started my innovation week off by cooking homemade dinners!  Kind of exciting because the boyfriend and I have REALLY been trying to eat healthier... I'll share recipes and pictures soon!

Anyways, my technology innovation that I attempted to learn more about was GoogleDocs... and although I love GoogleDocs, I hate it as well.  So, as you (my classmates) have heard, I will not be in the country next week.  (Scott (the boyfriend) and I are leaving on Sunday to the Mexican Riviera to celebrate his birthday and our 3 year anniversary... Not to mention, we booked this cruise REALLY cheap a few months back on a Travelzoo special!! $300 a piece for 7 days on a cruise ship)  Anyways, I've been trying to "share" a PowerPoint presentation with my group members because we are assigned to present on Tuesday while I am gone and I volunteered to do my share of the slide and audio record whatever I'm talking about in my slides.  I got that part done (my first time really recording myself and attaching to a PowerPoint), but for the life of me, I could not figure out how to share the PowerPoint (without screwing up my format and theme that I had on my desktop) and make the audio work through GoogleDocs.  I tweeted, I used jing (unsucessfully), I used a new converter website, I tried uploading to YouTube and NOTHING!  So, basically with the limited time I have, I decided we were just going to have to share using regular old email!  So, I finished my slides today and I go to attach, and of course, my file is too big.  I try to compress my file, still to big, then I remembered the the dropbox Jeff had us sign up for!! YAY!!!  So that worked and I sent off my PowerPoint contribution... Now, I am just waiting for one of my group members to respond to me saying that they are able to open the PowerPoint and hear all of my audio.  I sent it to myself and opened it up on Scott's computer and that worked, so hopefully it will work for my group members!!!!!


  1. Hope you're having a great time on your trip! I'm definitely going to check out Travelzoo, what a steal!

  2. I'm jealous that you are in Mexico while we are in class. No offense to this class. Hope you are having a wonderful time!

  3. Love that you made home-made meals. I try to do this each night, which is proving to be a challenge due to scheduling. I hope your cruise went well!
